We’ll keep this one short and sweet.
Below are the prizes and winners.
Further down we explain how we compiled that list.
At the end of the article there’s a live list of the wallets — check if your wallet is there. If it is, send us an email to community@playsnook.com with the name of the prize you are claiming and your wallet from the list. We added an example of the email also at the end. This will trigger a short verification process to make sure you are the rightful owner of that wallet and Bob’s your Uncle.
The winners:
Calculations and explanations
We did this in several stages:
- The number of Raffle winners and prize amounts and also the Top Snookers prize amounts were all proportional to the number of active players. So, the first stage was to calculate how many raffle winners, their prizes and the prizes for the Top Snookers.
- We sent out 14042 SGE invitations (less than the potential 16,128 — that’s better for you — better odds).
- There were 2786 active player during the SGE.
- We calculated the ratio of actual players to invited: 19.8%
- Next we calculated the prizes’ amounts and number of winners using the ratio. The formula is the ~20% ratio multiplied by the Max prize amount that we preset. That was used for the Top Snookers and for the Raffle. Here are the results:
The next stage was to identify the winners. The Top Snookers were based on the players that had the largest number of Traits. We knew who the Rockstar (who unlocked the first Special Skin) is.
That left us with the Raffle. This is what we did: We made a numbered list of 2,782 wallets (2786–3 Top Snookers — 1 Rockstar). We then ran a Rand() function once for each of the 6 Raffle prizes (3 Noice!, 2 Heck Yeah! and 1 Dang!) and multiplied the results by 2,782. That gave us the line number from which we took the winning wallet address.
Raffle — Wallets’ list
The 3 wallets that won the “Noice!” prize — $55 USDC
- 0xDfdEbd346778eFD2D362321C3F95d2d2340910C5
- 0x7d245472CE1E7946a4E1A1925F0f6ee210705b18
- 0xEAe38e8d41aeCC027e1b68c31f7039Ae95651D4D
The 2 wallets that won the “Heck Yeah!” prize — $164 USDC
- 0xc1d5f2C08a9e7deFFE2eBABa2D7fe55365DE0970
- 0x2C5576A8d60a135621C1c8cf654eA46835fB90F3
The wallet that won the “Dang!” prize — $491 USDCD
- 0x077E88FFE6F64FbD91620587DF23C88282cb3711
Top Snookers — Wallets’ list
- First place — $ 3,492 USDC: 0xaad45aB75FD29CbA195b25c7575eff662E5e1620
- Second Place — $ 1,746 USDC: 0x2214ba637EB4c8560dCEDE0EB47112cC1aC49e19
- Third Place — $ 873 USDC: 0x113607267004cc98502E06A3c3abd48f5c5Fe645
Rockstar (First Special Skin) — Wallet
- $ 25,000 USDC: 0x7dEf8f1c4Dd7579e3Ba6A8A59a1E7fB4f467ac43
Email format
Everything in [] is not part of the actual email.
Everything in Italics is the actual text you should send us.
[Subject line:] SGE Prize Claim
[to:] community@playsnook.com
[Message body:]
I won the [name of prize] prize.
My wallet address is: [Enter wallet address]
Show me the money!
That’s it.
Snook Core Team